Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Oaklyn Mae: 4 Month Update


It’s been 4 months (woah) since we welcomed our perfect Oaklyn Mae into the world. The past few months have gone by insanely fast, and I’m loving soaking up every milestone and every moment with her. Watching Ethan become a father has been a magical time in itself, but now that Oaklyn is learning to do things and interacts with us, it’s even more fun to watch him with her. Ladies, if you think you love your husband now, just WAIT until he fathers your children. It’s really amazing how instinctual becoming a parent is, and going through this process together has proven to be both challenging and incredible all at once. 


Oaklyn is doing SO many new things this month! 

She loves her playmat, and grabs at the toys on the mobile, and since she’s found her feet, she loves to kick at them too! She has rolled over a few times (although it’s not consistent, so i don’t think she really knows how to roll yet.) She also started laughing, which is basically our favorite thing ever. She’s become incredibly vocal and constantly makes noises and talks to us (and herself). We started going to the park a few times a week, and she loves to lay on a blanket and look at the trees and people. 

She is insanely squirmy and strong! She loves to stand up and move her legs around. We’re currently working on getting her to sit up, since she loves to look around at everything. She LOVES when daddy comes home from work, and she giggles at him all the time. Nala is finally warming up to her, and spends a lot of time sniffing at her.  

We take photos of her all the time (duh), and are more and more smitten with her every single day. 

This month, She took her first trips to Massachusetts and Pittsburgh, and at the end of this month, she’s have her first trip to the beach! We can’t wait to see how she likes it, since being outside is one of her favorite things to do.

Oaklyn Mae Ballantyne, you are so loved by so many people. We love adventuring with you, and can’t imagine our lives without you. 

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