Saturday, August 19, 2017

The DelloStritto Family - Lifestyle Session

Few things make me happier than my friends having babies. Even more special is when we’ve known each other since we were practically babies ourselves. Sharing this season of life with friends is so fun and so exciting. 


I’ve known Kate for over 15 years, and I’ve known Jack for almost as long. We've been through so many seasons together. The awkward middle school years, sleepovers, youth group mission trips - we even got married only a week apart from each other. Each one has its own set of special memories, but I think this one is my favorite. Sharing this experience is a new kind of special. 

We got to take a trip to Pittsburgh a couple of weekends ago, and of course I jumped at the opportunity to take photos of this brand new, beautiful family. The weekend was FULL of wonderful friends and fellowship, and it really did my heart good. We so needed that weekend away. Wedding season has been crazy, Ethan’s been busy at work, and we just needed that reminder that it’s okay to take a step back for a few days and relax, and enjoy our current stage of life with a rapidly growing infant (who thinks every milestone should be hit within 3 weeks of each other). 

Seeing Jack and Kate with their perfect little boy, Ezra, reminded me of just a few short months ago when Oaklyn was brand new. I don’t think I realized how big she’d gotten in such a short period of time. Babies have a way of seeming like they’re not changing at all, then you suddenly wake up one day and realize all the things they couldn’t do a week ago. They’re magical like that. 

Kate and I have a new bond; we’ve become each other’s shoulder to lean on as we stumble through every “Is this normal?” and “how do I even?” that comes along with learning to care for a tiny human. It’s a blast, even from 300 miles away. I love the new connection we have as parents, and I love that our babes will grow up knowing each other, having someone to look forward to seeing when we make our (not often enough) trips to Western PA. 

Keep the babes comin', friends. 

Trust me, it’s so fun. 

(PS: Kate is a blogger, too! you can follow her here!)

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